Human beings find joy in being able to make a contribution in life. Is there something you want to achieve but your lack of energy is limiting you?
When your lack of energy restrains you it can be frustrating. If it's been going on for a long time, you may have given up and be just drifting along, not really enjoying life.
Low energy also leads to low mood, so you may feel disconnected from other people and things that were once important to you.
Making changes to what we eat, taking more exercise and making other changes that may be uncomfortable can be difficult. To face these challenges, it helps to think about the reasons we have for doing this.
Engagement with life is therefore about keeping in mind why we want to have more energy, so that we can keep engaged with the process of change.
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All of these contributions will be of value to our world and are more difficult when you have low energy.
People are often surprised how much more energy for life they have when they eat a more nutritious diet when they have been eating unhealthily.
Good health feels good! And it supports engagement with the things we love in life.
"My digestions system has improved, I feel less stressed at work and I have more energy with a better concentration. Less sluggish."
It’s not easy to achieve by ourselves, though, so we often need support