Activity and exercise are important at all ages, particularly as we get older because it is more difficult to maintain muscle in middle age and beyond (especially for women).
Exercise can be more difficult as we get older. This can be due to joint or muscle pain or simply feeling really tired. Post menopausal women have been noted to find activity generally more difficult.
The good news is that it doesn't have to be about going to the gym or getting exhausted with boring repetetive work-outs. What is important is to just keep moving. Doing housework, walking the dog, gardening or even just fidgeting are all ways of being active that can contribute to better health.
What is also good news is that exercising often results in having more energy! With regular activity, pain and tiredness can improve and even go away altogther as we get stronger and more healthy.
Exercise promotes better sleep and helps balance blood sugar and reduce stress too.
Exercise can come in many forms. I am not a fitness coach, but can suggest some simple ways to exercise as part of our exploration.
Of course good nutrition is important for better energy too.