Having more energy from being healthy is about more than just food. Based on my own experience of improving my own health, I devised the mnemonic C.R.A.N.E.S. to remember all these different elements. Deeply concerned about how many people are tired all the time, I developed this into a method I now hope to share with you to support you in restoring your energy.
Our bodies are constantly trying to stay in balance. This is constant work because there are many things that cause imbalance, including what we eat, what we drink and what we do. Our bodies are also affected by our thoughts and how well we sleep. Add to this each person's unique genes and staying in balance is already incredibly complex. What makes it even more difficult in modern life is the amount of environmental and lifestyle factors that affect us daily.
However by remembering some simple things that affect our health positively or negatively, it is possible to improve and maintainour health and well-being. The CRANES Method aims to offer a simple way to do this in challenging times.
Click on the links below to find out more about each element.