When we’re healthy, we feel full of energy and enthusiasm for the day ahead when we wake up. Sadly many people don’t feel this way. Getting up is a struggle, sometimes painful, and we can feel resentful about all the work we have ahead of us. We may be irritable with family and colleagues at work. We can lose interest in life, even the things we once found engaging no longer seem worth the effort. We may also find that we’re not getting as much done as we want to: we may put this down to not having enough time in the day, but the truth may be that we don’t have enough energy in the day. We may feel frustrated by not having the energy we used to.
Babies and young children (as any parent knows) normally have boundless energy! We know a child is sick when they are quiet and low in energy. As we grow up, various things we encounter in life reduce that energy, so that for many adults it’s only half what it was. If you’re ill it can be a lot less than that. It doesn’t necessarily need to be that way.
Being low in energy is often a sign that all is not well in your body. This can be the result of many things, including what we eat and drink, sleep and the amount of stress in our lives. The good news is that we can often change some of the things that drain our energy and one of the simplest (though not necessarily easiest) is to change our food and drink.
We make daily choices about what we put into our bodies, but these choices are sometimes out of habit or influenced by advertising or the advice of others. Going into a supermarket we are surrounded by the temptation of pre-prepared food that may seem to offer energy saving by needing less cooking.
However these choices are not always what is best for our health. Some we know about, others we may feel confused about and yet more we may not be aware of at all.
There are other aspects of eating that can also influence our energy levels, such as when we eat, how well we chew our food, whether we eat while watching TV or scrolling on our phones....
Rest and sleep are obviously important for having plenty of energy, yet often we don’t sleep well or postpone resting until we become ill and are forced to!
Good nutrition and managing stress can support better sleep, which in turn supports better food choices and health. For example when we are tired from lack of sleep, our bodies crave sweet or starchy foods more, making it more difficult to resist cakes and biscuits. Having too much sugar can in turn sap our energy.
"I have been sleeping better and I have just felt 'lighter'"
Helen Paris, Ludlow
As a qualified Nutrition Coach I can support you to understand how to improve your health and well-being through what and when you eat and other things you need to do (and not do) to ensure you are eating in a way that best supports your energy for life.
If you think that this will mean going on a diet or counting calories, I can assure you it does not.
If you think it means having to eat boring food, I can assure you that eating nourishing health and energy-giving food is delicious! Your body knows what it needs and will tell you by responding with enjoyment. Together we can explore what is best for your health so that you can feel more well. We can look at what food supports your energy in your current diet and what may be draining it. We can explore adapting what you currently enjoy eating so that it can nourish you better and if needed I can introduce you new recipes to try.
Based on the latest research, I can support you in making wise and informed choices about what you eat. With my guidance you can restore your energy and enjoy a healthier, happier and hopefully longer life.
I was diagnosed with high blood sugar in 2014 and chose to look into natural ways to improve my health, rather than taking medication. One of the things that impressed me most about the results of this choice was how much more energy I had!
I realised that I my lack of energy and struggle to live a full life were because I had been unwell and that it was within my power to change it and stay healthy.
You can listen to a webinar about my journey here or read more of my story here.
Through this experience I developed the mnemonic C.R.A.N.E.S. to remind myself about all the elements that we need to consider to achieve and maintain better health. This now forms the basis of my service, in the hope that through this work more people can regain their energy and live the life they hope for.
So CRANES stands for:
Every body is unique. There are many factors that contribute to our health and well-being, including whether we are male of female (for example women often struggle more with weight as they age due to changing hormone levels), DNA, early life experiences, what we like and don’t like to eat, how we respond to stress, how well we sleep and most of all, the decisions we make day-to-day about our self-care. The problem with books, internet advice, generalised diet plans and the advice in magazines is that they don’t know us personally, so can’t adapt the advice to what really works for us. For example, I read a weekly diet plan that recommended pea soup and beetroot. I hate beetroot and peas give me the runs, so rejected the whole plan!
There are also many confusing messages we encounter, some based on hearsay rather than science. Sano nutrition coaches give support backed up by scientific research rather than the latest diet fashion. We also keep up with the latest developments as new studies are published. In recent decades it has become even more difficult to maintain good health due to the amount of delicious but manufactured foods, often high in sugar, salt and other non-nutritious ingredients. So I believe that eating real, natural food is most healthy and can be completely satisfying.
So the benefit of working with me on a one-to-one basis is that I can listen to your personal tastes and preferences, concerns and needs. I enjoy the creative challenge of finding suggestions that will be appealing to you while also supporting better health and well-being. I will develop a plan for you to improve your energy levels that is as unique as you are and that you are comfortable with.
I know from personal experience that making changes to what you eat can initially be challenging, so I am careful not to overwhelm you with a lot of changes at once. We will take it gradually, like the way things evolve in Nature.
If you have questions please book a FREE 15 minute chat.
You can find out more about the "Let's Get Started" one-to-one nutrition coaching plan here.
You can read testimonials from people who have worked with me here
I am delighted to have trained as a Nutrition Coach with Sano, who have a simple and sensible approach to nutrition based on eating real food!
As a qualified Nutrition Coach I can empower and support you to make wise choices about what you eat and drink. We will also consider other aspects of life that will also support better your vitality, so that you will have more energy to do the things you love in life.
The human body is complex and when things go wrong there can be many factors that cause this. You don't need to understand the complexities, I will present you with simple information and guidance, so that you can make wise choices to support your health and well-being.
Following the diagnosis of a potentially serious medical condition in November 2020, it was necessary to lose weight and make sustainable lifestyle changes if I hoped to improve my health naturally and avoid medication. I therefore approached Kate who has been my Reiki Master since 1998 and she was tremendously sympathetic and encouraging. She assured me I could effect changes resulting in weight loss which could improve my condition initially and be realistically maintained moving forward. In addressing my diet with her help I lost weight steadily (and without hunger pangs!) so that a health review in March 2021 led to very welcome good results all round and I do not need another review for twelve months. Many thanks to Kate for her expertise and warmth!
Deborah J Willshire, Birmingham UK
You can read more testimonials here
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